Conversatio Divina

Part 7 of 7


Stanton Lanier

“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”

— 2 Corinthians 3:18 (NIV)

01.  Prompt

Sometimes life’s clouds keep us from seeing clearly, or understanding why something is happening. These clouds can feel like a veil or covering of our heart that keeps us from understanding.

It’s natural to feel isolated or alone in these moments, but the Holy Spirit has the power to shift our perspective. He reminds us that we are never truly alone.

While there is no guarantee we will see or understand things fully every time it seems like clouds are rolling in, that doesn’t change God’s faithfulness and presence. Even though our circumstances may be unclear or confusing, we have the privilege of coming to the Lord through Jesus with unveiled faces. He not only invites us into his presence, but he provides a way for us to approach him, forgiven and whole.

If you are feeling locked in by clouds, talk to Jesus and ask him to remind you of what’s true. Ask him to remind you of his promises and his faithfulness. He paid the way for you to be forgiven and to approach God with confidence.

02.  Listening & Reflection

As you listen to this song, let the simplicity of the melody meet you where you are. Let the ebb and flow of the song carry you to dwell on the character of God and the ways he has been faithful to you in different seasons.

Take time to reflect on the truth of Bible verses that have been an anchor for you. As you’re learning to wait for God to meet you, worship him for the fact that he made a way for you.


Stanton Lanier is a pianist, composer, orchestrator, and believer with a vision to Create God Encounters for All Generations through Scripture-inspired instrumental music. He has released 170+ tracks with 14 albums and singles, which are enjoyed by millions of listeners around the world as “life soundtracks” for moments of God’s peace and inspiration. Stanton is always working on new music, and earned his Professional Certificate in Composing and Orchestrating for Film and TV from the Berklee School of Music. In 2004 he founded the non-profit Music to Light the World, which uses his music to offer hope and healing to cancer patients, orphans in Zambia, and others in need. Stanton has performed in 27 U.S. states, Canada, Europe, and Australia, and his music touches five million lives annually across 140 countries through Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Pandora, YouTube, Music Choice Soundscapes, Sirius-XM Spa and more. To learn more visit

Part 7 of 7


Stanton Lanier
Day 7