Conversatio Divina

Stanton Lanier December 18, 2023

Hearing God’s Voice: A 7-Day Journey to Listening to God’s Truth and Finding Greater Peace

The journey to hearing God’s voice is one I am still on. God is teaching me through life’s ups and downs, through his Word, and through the gift of music how to follow him more closely. While I have not arrived, I’m humbled by the work the Lord has done in my life. His faithfulness is as real as the piano I play, and the melodies we create together.

Regardless of where you are on this journey, my prayer for you is that you will encounter God through these devotions and songs. You can go through this guide in seven days, or you can spread this over several weeks, but I would encourage you to find a quiet place where you can put aside distractions.

Take the time to open your heart, lay down your worries, and ask God to give you ears to hear his voice.

Know that as you are reading this that I have prayed for you before you even opened this up.

On the journey, Stanton

Part 7 of 7


Stanton Lanier
Day 7