Conversatio Divina

Part 2 of 7

Quiet Revelation

Stanton Lanier

I love your clear-cut revelation. You’re my place of quiet retreat; I wait for your Word to renew me. — Psalm 119:113-114 (MSG)

01.  Prompt

Do you need a revelation from God? Are you in need of renewal? Today we’re taking a moment to step away from the hurry and activity to soak in God’s truth.

So often, God speaks in the quiet moments. In 1 Kings 19, Elijah needed to hear from the Lord. When God passed by, Elijah didn’t hear his voice in the wind, earthquake, or fire, but God spoke in a gentle whisper once he had passed by.

God doesn’t need to compete with life’s noise and distractions because his peace, rest, and truth are so much greater than the activity around us. His majesty and power are more than we can comprehend, yet he still chooses to speak in the stillness and quiet, through a still small voice.

Revelation comes when we consistently dwell on God’s word and invest time to slow down and quiet our minds. Being still and listening are things we have to practice. And when we do, God’s quiet revelation seems to come down to meet us.

Consider taking some time to read through other sections of Psalm 119. This psalm is full of reminders and examples of the power of God’s Word. As we take in God’s truth, he faithfully meets us.

02.  Listening & Reflection

All of the musical textures in this song symbolize the wonder and diversity of words God wants to say to us, and songs He wants to sing over us. When I compose music there is a sense that God already knows the tune, and He reveals it to me through quiet revelation. The song name and theme invite you to listen for some kind of quiet revelation you may need in your life and faith right now.

As you listen, think about what you’ve read in Psalm 119. Relax, close your eyes, and invite your heart, soul, and mind to receive God’s truth and revelation.


Stanton Lanier is a pianist, composer, orchestrator, and believer with a vision to Create God Encounters for All Generations through Scripture-inspired instrumental music. He has released 170+ tracks with 14 albums and singles, which are enjoyed by millions of listeners around the world as “life soundtracks” for moments of God’s peace and inspiration. Stanton is always working on new music, and earned his Professional Certificate in Composing and Orchestrating for Film and TV from the Berklee School of Music. In 2004 he founded the non-profit Music to Light the World, which uses his music to offer hope and healing to cancer patients, orphans in Zambia, and others in need. Stanton has performed in 27 U.S. states, Canada, Europe, and Australia, and his music touches five million lives annually across 140 countries through Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Pandora, YouTube, Music Choice Soundscapes, Sirius-XM Spa and more. To learn more visit

Part 7 of 7


Stanton Lanier
Day 7