Conversatio Divina

Part 6 of 8

The Spirit of Our Politics

A Conversation with Michael Wear

Michael Wear & Michael Di Fuccia

“That knowledge, and perhaps religious knowledge above all, is political follows from the relationship it has to truth, method, evidence, and life . . . Because [religious knowledge] confers upon the possessor the right and responsibility to act, direct action, set and supervise policy, and teach, it cannot not be political.”

–Dallas Willard, Knowing Christ Today

Martin Institute Cultura Fellow Michael Wear is hard at work bringing knowledge of Christian Spiritual Formation to our politics. Michael is the Founder, President, and CEO of The Center for Christianity & Public Life, a nonpartisan, nonprofit institution based in the nation’s capital with the mission to contend for the credibility of Christian resources in public life, for the public good. Michael’s message is straightforward: if we want a better politics, we have to become a different kind of people. We ought to view our involvement in public life as an opportunity to live out our love of God and neighbor.

Michael details his vision for the renovation of our politics in his newest book, The Spirit of Our Politics: Spiritual Formation and the Renovation of Public Life (on sale now). The book is a prescient and invaluable resource for all thoughtful Christians who are looking for an alternative vision for our politics. In the book Michael gives sound advice and suggests helpful practices for transforming our politics for the greater good.

In the latest installment of our “Spiritual Formation in Context” series Michael Wear and Michael Di Fuccia, Director of the Cultura Fellowship, discuss the Willardian themes and influence in Michael’s book and how they’ve come to shape his vision for a more gentler and persuasive Christian politic.


Michael Di Fuccia is the Director of the Cultura Fellowship and Research Fellow for the Center of Theology and Philosophy, UK.