Conversatio Divina

Part 12 of 12


The Martin Institute

If you want to listen to some of the other talks Dallas gave on similar topics, you can find them on this website under the following titles:


  1. Guidelines for Life in the Kingdom of God (January 6, 1985)

  2. Through One Day with Jesus (March 26, 1989)—does not play

  3. Reality and Spiritual Life (April 24, 1990)

  4. How to Put Christ into Your everyday Life (March 6, 1993)

  5. How to Walk One Day with Jesus (March 7, 1993)

  6. Learning To Live an Eternal Life Now (May 1, 1994)

  7. Spending One Day with Jesus (May 2, 1998)

  8. Spending a Day with Jesus (August 8, 2010)

  9. Building Your Life Day by Day on Christ (September 19, 2010)

  10. Steps Forward with Grace & Into Real progress in Christlikeness in Real Life (October 12, 2010)


Part 12 of 12


The Martin Institute