Conversatio Divina

Twelve Way to Engage in 2022

1. Stay tuned for dramatic updates coming to the design of We hope the improvements will enhance your experience on the website whether it’s being accessed on desktop, mobile, or app. More on this in the upcoming weeks.

2. Simmer in Dallas Willard ideas. We’ve got a very large collection of Dallas articles, audio, and video and we’re on the lookout for more.

3. Exercise with Ignatius of Loyola.

4. Journey into Desert Spirituality with abbas and ammas of the ancient Christian Spirituality Hall of Fame.

5. Check-in on the ongoing contributions of our Senior Fellows such as James K.A. Smith, Rebecca DeYoung, Ken Boa, and more.

6. Learn from seasoned spiritual directors.

7. Meditate on a variety of spiritual formation themes.

8. Learn to tell time in church.

9. Listen to the voices of young scholars.

10. Read over 500 articles from our Conversations Journal archives.

11. Resources for your spiritual formation small group.

12. Look for upcoming beta classroom capabilities, where you’ll be able to enroll and interact with other students.
