Conversatio Divina

The Martin Institute and Dallas Willard Center Announces a New Resource: Conversatio Divina

Conversatio Divina is an online platform that makes available various well-worn pathways of Christlikeness through the contributions of Dallas Willard, Ancient Christian Spirituality, and Ignatius of Loyola.

This free-to-experience website is broken into three rooms, Media Room which contains articles, audio content, and video content to engage the mind and heart; Exercise Room which offers a a variety of spiritual practices to provide opportunities for training to naturally and routinely do what is good; and Classroom which combines both written, audio, and video content and spiritual exercises in creating curriculums of various lengths and academic rigor to assist you, with the indispensable help of the Holy Spirit, in growing in Christlikeness.

This site was put together to make accessible to you the treasure trove of knowledge that has been carefully and intentionally crafted by Christ-followers. We pray that it becomes a useful resource for you in your journey toward union with the Trinity.

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Practicing the Presence

Dallas had been asked to come to South Africa by Trevor Hudson, a young minister who had learned about Dallas in 1985. During his time there he delivered three messages. This free online class is comprised of those messages along with exercises to help one practice the presence of Christ in daily life.

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