Conversatio Divina

The Gospel that Jesus Preached

What is the Gospel that Jesus preached? In this chapter, John Ortberg, J.P. Moreland, Trevor Hudson, and Gary Moon delve into Dallas Willard’s perspectives on this crucial question. They explore a shift from the conventional presentations of the gospel by Christians on both the right and left, toward a framing around the Kingdom of God.


The First Annual Martin Institute Christian Formation Workshop Last week
(May 16-18)

The Martin Institute for Christianity and Culture held its first Christian Formation Workshop on the theme of diagnosing the problem of Christian immaturity. Over three days we heard from biblical scholars, theologians, psychologists, philosophers, sociologists, and historians on how to best address three questions:

  1. What degree of spiritual and moral maturity is expected of Christian persons and what is the value of such maturity?
  2. What evidence do we have of Christian maturity both historically and in contemporary contexts?
  3. What are the most plausible explanations for the absence of Christian maturity?

The goal of the workshop was to gather, integrate, and refine multidisciplinary scholarship related to these questions for the sake of Christian growth and witness in the world today. Content from the workshop will be made available on on our website in the weeks to come.