About this time, a year ago, we offered the first of a series of reflections on the then fairly new but raging global crisis. The series was called, 12 Spiritual Practices for a Pandemic. The series was edited by Michael Di Fuccia and featured 12 younger Christian authors from a range of vocations to share insights and over new habits for the lonely and unsettling time.
At the anniversary mark for that series, we wanted to bring to your attention further reflections on formational opportunities embedded within the ongoing global pandemic. Steven L. Porter, professor of spiritual formation and theology at Biola University, and senior fellow of the Martin Institute, has graciously agreed to offer an edited condensation from a series titled, “Teach Me What I Do Not See: Learning from a Global Pandemic.”
What follows are five reflections on the question: what did COVID-19 teach us, expose in us, or purge out of us when it comes to spiritual formation in Christ? Each response was written independently of the others by a different author. These authors were assembled from the editorial board of the Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care where a full-length presentation of this and other material can be found.