As you are aware, Conversatio Divina is constantly adding to our focus on the voice of Dallas Willard with additional classic models of authentic spiritual transformation. Our initial efforts involve listening again to the wisdom of Ancient Christian Spirituality and Ignatian Spirituality. In concert you have inspiration from the early church and two prominent reformers, St. Ignatius of Loyola and Dallas Willard.
This week we want to encourage you to explore our growing collection of Ignatian resources. For example, type into our search bar, “Ignatian Discernment,” and see what you’d find (and don’t forget to “load more.”)
And to make things easier, we want to call your attention to the following three essays and videos:
1) Annemarie Paulin-Campbell’s essay on discernment of spirits;
2) Ruth Haley Barton’s article on recognizing and responding to the presence of God; and
3) Trevor Hudson’s retreat introduction called “Building an Ignatian Retreat.”