Conversatio Divina

Gratitude and Resources

According to Robert Emmons, “Gratitude is a response to received goodness that involves recognizing the benevolence of moral agents.” During this season of gratitude, we at Converatio want to offer a few, heartfelt “thank you’s”

First, we are grateful to Westmont College and the Martin Institute for making this website possible. If you are interested in this connection, or simply want to learn more about our host organizations, you will want to download and read “Living our Theology: Highlighting the work of the Martin Institute at Westmont College.”

One of the aspects of the Martin Institute and Dallas Willard Center is to produce and provide spiritual formation resources for the students, staff and faculty members of Westmont College and the broader world. Perhaps you’ll want to spend some time with one of these resources, a collection of meditations on gratitude.

The Dallas Willard Research Center supports and engages in efforts to promote research and writing about Christian spiritual formation in a number ways including sponsoring an annual book and research awards program. If you’d like to listen in on a talk on gratitude given by Robert Emmons, the first winner of the Dallas Willard Book Award, here is a link to the Provost Lecture.

We are also very grateful to a variety of foundations, such as the Duke Endowment, the Lilly Endowment and the John Templeton Foundation, for supporting the work of the Martin Institute and Dallas Willard Center. During this season of Thanksgiving, perhaps you’ll want to download and spend some time with a comprehensive white paper prepared for the John Templeton Foundation on “The Science of Gratitude.”

Finally, we are deeply grateful for you and appreciate your use of Conversatio Divina. 

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