Conversatio Divina

Dallas Willard Research Center Book and Research Award Winners

Dallas Willard Research Center Book and Award Winners

Converstio Divina will be adding a recurring feature for our newsletters. Every three months or so, we’ll call your attention to the work of one of the past Dallas Willard Research Center’s book or research award winners.  In this newsletter we highlight an article by Brandon Rickabaugh and C. Steven Evans, titled: Neuroscience, Spiritual Formation, and Bodily Souls: A Critique of Christian Physicalism.


Soul Care in African American Practice

You may also want to listen to a chapel talk given by the 2021 Dallas Willard Book Award winner, Dr. Barbara Peacock. She delivered the talk at Westmont College on September 22, 2022, as part of the celebration of her book Soul Care in African American Practice. We will feature her book in an upcoming newsletter.


Dallas Willard on the Role of Knowledge in Personal Transformation

And, you may be interested in attending a talk by Dr. Walter Hopp, professor of philosophy at Boston University. Walter was one of the “final four” doctoral students Dallas had at the University of Southern California. Steve Porter adds that Walter is likely one the two brightest students Dallas had. But he qualifies by adding, “I say one of the two brightest” so that the rest of Dallas’ students can think they are the other one.

Walter will be speaking on spiritual formation as public knowledge.

Monday, October 3, 2022 at 3:30 pm pst
Westmont College
Hieronymus Lounge
