This week, Conversatio Divina (aka is beginning a new feature. We are going to reach into the archives and bring an old issue of The Conversations Journal back to life. We’ll attempt to do so every couple of months until all 28 issues live on
Joannah Sadler, who worked for Conversations for over ten years, will be driving this project. She will highlight a few of the articles that appear in a particular issue. This current course is built around issue 5.2: Gifts from the Monastery: Silence and Solitude. It seemed appropriate as so many of us are turning our homes into accidental retreat centers during the current world crisis.
Joannah will then zero in on one featured article and provide questions and suggest practices for individuals or groups who want to experience a class with the words of the writer.
“COVID-19 has placed us in a state of waiting; waiting for the ordinary to return, for the embrace of loved ones again, or for a better future. For many the wait is less hopeful, filled with uncertainties and fears of what might come next. These forms of waiting in which we today find ourselves are predominantly passive, as we await a future in which we are once again active.”
Read the complete article on waiting as a spiritual practice by FR. Johannes Börjesson, a priest of the Lutheran Church of Sweden.