Dive into the heart of the latest issue of Conversations as we explore the intricate relationship between spirituality and the body. This edition delves into the profound implications of a unitive view, challenging historical dualisms that have pervaded Christian thought. Gary W. Moon sets the stage by emphasizing the significance of a proper theology of the body. Contributors like Ruth Haley Barton, Michael Glerup, and Scot McKnight enrich the discourse with essays on fasting, feasting, and the intimate connection between physical activities and spiritual practices. Engage with thought-provoking discussions on sexuality, prayer, and the intersection of classical art and Biblical texts. In this issue, we place a spotlight on Marilyn Chandler McEntyre’s insightful article, “Love your Hands: Care for the Body as Sacred Task.” McEntyre urges us to consider caring for our bodies as a sacred duty inseparable from soul care. Let this issue challenge and inspire a deeper connection with yourself, others, and the Divine Creator. Join the classroom experience with Marilyn’s article, using provided discussion questions for individual or group reflection.