Conversatio Divina

Conversations 10.1—Welcoming the Stranger

Join us in commemorating the tenth anniversary issue of Conversations: A Forum for Authentic Transformation with our special Spring 2012 issue. This edition reflects on a decade of insightful contributions and reader engagement, realizing the vision of a dialogue among diverse Christian voices, with a special seat reserved for you.

The theme of this issue is “Welcoming the Stranger,” featuring Tara Owens’ touching essay on personal hospitality, along with contributions from Ruth Haley Barton, Mark Labberton, and Wil Hernandez. John Ortberg addresses welcoming a new generation back to church, while Adam McHugh offers insights into the gifts introverts bring to hospitality. The issue also includes an interview with Father Gregory Boyle of Homeboy Industries and reflections by Cindy Bunch and Margaret Campbell.

Explore how our spiritual community practices hospitality and discover how God’s love can be manifested through your own life.

The companion course for this issue is Janice Peterson’s article, “An Exercise in Faith: How Hospitality Invites Us to Believe God More Deeply.” Visit the classroom to access the article and summary written by Joannah Sadler.

Conversations 10.1