We are thrilled to share a chapel address by Michael Wear at Westmont college, sponsored by the Martin Institute’s Incarnatio Center. In addition to being a Cultura Fellow with the Martin Institute, Michael Wear is the founder and CEO for The Center for Christianity and Public Life, a nonpartisan, nonprofit institution based in the nation’s capital with the mission to contend for the credibility of Christian resources in public life, for the public good. We encourage you to pre-order his forthcoming book, The Spirit of Our Politics: Spiritual Formation and the Renovation of Public Life.
We also encourage you to attend the Center for Christianity and Public Life’s inaugural “For the Good of the Public” Summit on November 6-7 for those who believe spiritual formation is central to civic renewal.
The Summit will send a clear message: Christians will no longer be mindlessly drafted into a political sectarianism that rewards contempt, fear, and calloused anger. Instead, we will gather with joyful confidence in what we have to offer in loving service to our neighbors, and we invite the public to the conversation. Join 200+ faith leaders, community and civic leaders, public servants, and prominent speakers in the Nation’s Capital for two days of timely conversations.
This week we also want to call your attention to the latest book from Christopher A. Hall, the former president of Renovaré and Senior Fellow of the Martin Institute, A Different Way: Recentering the Christian Life Around Following Jesus.
Please enjoy an excerpt from the first chapter of the book, “Reject Distorted Views of God,” generously provided by Harper One.
Conversatio Divina and the Martin Institute for Christianity and Culture will again be teaming up with the Jesuit Institute of South Africa to offer an intensive program of theoretical and practical training to equip spiritual directors to accompany others through the Full Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius in daily life or in a residential setting. Current participants have greatly valued the richness of the international and ecumemical diversity of the course. If you are interested in learning more, click the link below to download a course brochure.
For more information, please email pamstewart1000@gmail.com.