Are you looking for another kind of life? This is the topic of a video series, which has been filmed by the Martin Institute and features one of Dallas Willard’s dear friends, Trevor Hudson. While the book, small group guide and DVD will not be available for several months, the project is complete.
We hope you’ll enjoy watching the introduction to the project, Another Kind of Life. The introduction is titled, “Becoming a Seeker.”
“Uncertainty, despair, and hopelessness have become familiar acquaintances. All the while, the Easter season reminds us that the full resurrection cycle bids that we move through our seasons of death and into perpetual life. The budding of springtime flowers and the songs of birds are constant reminders of God’s redemptive creativity. They remind us of God’s persistent invitation to collaborate with him to creatively address the challenges of our time.”
Read the complete article on creating as a spiritual practice by interdisciplinary artist, writer, and curator, Dea Jenkins.