Conversatio Divina

A New Relationship, a New Reality

A New Relationship, a New Reality: Spiritual Formation and the Soul Care Commission

This week Conversatio Divina features an essay under our recurring theme of “Clinical Theology.” Marty Goehring, PhD draws from his rich background in clinical psychology and spiritual formation to reflect on the power of God to draw us into a new reality which lies at the heart of Christianity. He suggests that the wellspring of this new reality is a new relationship. It is a mutually indwelling relationship with the Father and the Son, a relationship in which it is possible to grow in the experience of being loved unconditionally. The healing benefits of living in love have enormous implications for physical, mental, and spiritual health.

The purpose of the church, its basic task, Marty suggests, is to support the process of spiritual formation. And when this happens, the church not only becomes a hospital for souls (Clinical Theology), it also finds its mission of making the love of Christ known in the world.