Conversatio Divina

Part 1 of 9

Introduction: What Jesus Believed and Taught—And Lived

Dallas Willard

The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven

Jesus proclaimed and manifested a “life from HEAVEN.” He brought a message of divine life, not a gospel of mere sin management or damage control. He announced that all who will can join The Company of Father, Son and Holy Spirit and live entirely under the governance of “heaven,’’ making their lives ‘’none other but the house of God and the gate of heaven.” (Gen. 28:17) For these who hear this, and who see that living under God’s rule is the greatest opportunity they will ever have, learning how to live in the kingdom as Jesus did is the natural way to live. This is discipleship to Jesus. His followers are learners, disciples, learning how to live as He lives. And they in turn make disciples, drawing them· into the power of his name, where they live, and teaching them to do ‘’all things whatsoever I have commanded you.’’ (Matt. 28:20) This alone is sufficient to the crying needs of human existence which we face all around in the contemporary world, and suited to God’s purpose in the creation of humankind. Jesus’ life, his death, his person opens the door to life now in the eternal kingdom, bringing the power and direction for a holiness and health that makes us more than conquerors in every context of life and history.


Lesson 1: Jesus’ Gospel and Ours. What Jesus Really Taught. The Meaning of “the Rule of Heaven.”
Lesson 2: The Rule of Heaven in the Old Testament, in Israel
Lesson 3: The Beatitudes as Gospel. The Manner of Jesus’ Teaching
Lesson 4: Beyond “the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees”
Lesson 5: Beyond “the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees”
Lesson 6: The Power of “The Word of the Kingdom”
Lesson 7: How to Become a Disciple. Disciples and Christians
Lesson 8: Discipleship and the Disciplines for the Spiritual Life


Dallas Willard