Conversatio Divina

Part 4 of 4

Chapter One: Discussion Questions

Gregory Spencer

  1. Has anyone ever “named” you in a way that changed how you see yourself? Reflect on the power of that word choice.
  2. In what ways have you “been framed”? Can you identify frames you did and did not choose? What effects do you see from these descriptive terms?
  3. “We live inside the frame.” Can you think of an example of how you don’t merely pick up a word but how you live (on a daily basis) in your history with that word? What about the terms you use to describe your life with God?
  4. What sorts of situations are you being “called to reframe”? How have biblical phrases replaced popular cultural phrases in your everyday speech? Do you see any particular effects from “speaking God’s words after him”?
  5. How does the poem “Morning Tapestries” speak to the idea of words as windows? Which words in the poem are windows for you?


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