With May 8th marking the 10-year anniversary of Dallas Willard’s death—or as he might say, awakening to a more clear picture of reality—we will be including a number of special features this month.
One of the features of the Converatio Divina website is a variety of spiritual formation curricula for small groups. We have partnered with a number of publishers, some of our senior fellows, and, well, Dallas Willard, in creating these projects.
It was just over 10 years ago, February, 2013, that the Martin Institute and Dallas Willard Research Center sponsored a conference featuring Dallas Willard and John Ortberg. We partnered with IVP to produce a book and DVD that capture the event. Here is a 5-minute video about the conference.
Concerning one of Dallas Willard’s favorite themes, “Living in Christ’s Presence,” we also thought you might like to take a look at a very special series of talks he did which are also inspired by this wonderful vision.
On Dallas’s fourth and last visit to South Africa he gave this long series at the church of which his friend Trevor Hudson was a pastor. The series is an excellent one for lay people who wish to get a good sense of Dallas’ vision of God and understanding of Christian spiritual formation.