So much of our attention is rightly given to what Jesus says, but rarely do we pay much attention to how he says it. In the most recent addition to our “Spiritual Formation in Context” series, designer and Martin Institute Cultura Fellow Avo Adourian highlights the genius of how Jesus communicated and the ways in which Jesus’ communicative practices have shaped his work as a designer.
Dallas Willard once said, “To develop accurate knowledge of the human soul is the primary need of our times.” We are excited to announce the October, 31st release of Martin Institute Cultura Fellow Brandon Rickabaugh’s latest book, The Substance of Consciousness: A Comprehensive Defense of Contemporary Substance Dualism. Co-authored by J. P. Moreland, the book follows Willard’s lead in seeking to make accurate knowledge of the soul publicly accessible in our time. Read a summary and pre-order J.P. and Brandon’s book here.