Join John Ortberg in these short reflections—15 minutes or less—on living with gratitude one day at a time. This 17-episode series covers the gamut as it pertains to thankfulness and is the perfect companion to the holiday season.
This is the second of three essays on a spirituality of fasting and feasting in the church’s calendar practice. This essay is the latest addition to a series on the liturgical calendar of the church titled, Telling Time in Church. This essay explores the church calendar more closely, noting how fasting blends into the Christian life’s regular temporal rhythm. The first essay, The Rhythms of Fasting and Feasting, considered the biblical origins of fasting, as well as some early teaching on fasting. The third (posting in January) will consider the spiritual practice of feasting.
One of the aspects of the Martin Institute and Dallas Willard Center is to produce and provide spiritual formation resources for the students, staff and faculty members of Westmont College and the broader world. Perhaps you’ll want to spend some time with one of these resources, a collection of meditations on gratitude.
Close out the year by working through this series of guided Advent meditations. May hope, joy, love, and peace be yours in abundance.