As we approach Easter Sunday for Western Christians and the beginning of Holy Week for the Eastern Church, we want to call your attention to several resources on the Convesatio website.
Jaime Cain has prepared two new essays for his informative and practical series, Telling Time in Church. The first is titled The Paschal Triduum, and serves as a guide for experiencing Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. The second essay is on Easter Sunday. And you may also want to read his essay titled, How did the Church Get Two Easters.
We also invite you to step into our meditation series on the Cross of Christ, titled Via Crucis Meditations. After Easter, you may want to consider the series that focuses on the time between Easter Sunday Pentecost, and concerns the 14 resurrection appearances of Jesus, The Via Lucis Collection.
Our third suggestion is to listen in on a talk Dallas Willard gave back in 1978 as part of a series on the book of Acts. The talk was given at Faith Evangelical Church and is titled, From Resurrection to Ascension.