Conversatio Divina

Conversations 11.1—Streams of Living Water

Conversations 11.1—Streams of Living Water

When the editors of Conversations decided to build an issue of the journal around Foster’s important work and insights into ways of being with God—it was no small task. Various writers from all six streams were invited to contribute, many interviews and book reviews were included, as well as helpful resources like forming a Rule of Life, and an article on how our personality influences and is shaped by our relationship with God. An online gallery and a several page spread in the issue was created to showcase artwork that readers sent in representing the Six Streams. You’ll hear from long-time—as well as newer contributors—to the journal: A lecture given by Dallas Willard on living out our faith as seen in the Book of Acts, Todd Hunter shared how his faith journey took him through Charismatic, Incarnational, and Evangelical streams, and Luci Shaw delights us with poetry for this topic. It wouldn’t be complete without an interview with Richard Foster and his son Nathan, to help give us even more context for this theme. Follow the link to the classroom for that conversation and more. The Spring 2013 issue is a treasure trove from the archives!