01. The Nearly Perfect Crime: How the Church Almost Killed the Ministry of Healing and How To Get It Back
Francis MacNutt
In this article Francis MacNutt, Dominican Priest and founder of Christian Healing Ministries, and Harold Koenig, MD, Director of the Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health at Duke University are both interviewed. The questions revolve around the place of healing in the church and how to recover this lost gift of the Holy Spirit. Francis is honest in his assessment of healing, sharing that Jesus always healed everyone who came to him and that God still heals today because he does not want his children to be sick. Why some are healed and others not, and why certain miracles are more common than others is part of the mystery involved in the healing ministry? MacNutt explains how he prays, and the intuitive part of a person that often can discern the voice of the Holy Spirit. He also speaks about tongues, and how this helps him in the healing ministry. Ultimately, all healing is to move us back into relationship with God. Finally, the three things to be aware of as one prays for the sick are as follows: (1) the attitude of the person needs to be loving and sensitive, (2) identify what they are praying for, and (3) is there any unforgiveness blocking the way? (MacNutt says that unforgiveness is like clogging the arteries to the Holy Spirit.)
In the interview with Harold Koenig, he shares his studies on a person’s religious beliefs and how they promote healing when integrated into the health care plan. Interestingly of all the religious practices most consistently related to better mental and physical health it is attendance at religious services—it tops them all! This is partly because it is faith put into action—people who go to a service are willing to do something about their faith. There are great psychological benefits from listening to the sermon, praying together, worshipping God, singing together and performing rituals together with common beliefs. He speaks of studies for those prayed for as having significant improvements for both rheumatoid arthritis, and hearing and vision. Ultimately his plan to study the effect of prayer on healing cannot measure the miraculous. This, says Koenig, is beyond our limit. Still Koenig believes in the “supernatural” and affirms the power of God to heal.
- Has someone you know been healed through the power of prayer?
- Do you think the power of healing prayer needs to happen with more regularity in our churches?
- If so, how might this happen? what are the roadblocks? what might be the benefits?
02. Renovation of My Heart: Jesus, Dallas Willard, and Me
Jeff Berkebile
In reading Willard’s books, Jeff Berkebile finds himself reading Scripture with a new lens. If Jesus did what he did in Scripture, why couldn’t he still act in the same way? Before that, he really wasn’t convinced that Jesus’ words could change things in the here and now. Recognizing the relevance and transformative nature of God’s presence now available to change things as they are was revolutionary. In order to make life different and more conformed to what Jesus was all about, there is training that is necessary. The goal of this training is to develop a fruitful relationship over time with God, not simply robotic compliance. God uses the vivid and diverse personalities of people to accomplish his purposes, and each gives an individual flavor. Recognizing this, Jeff’s image of God began to change, and God became for Jeff “too good to be true, yet he is.” Jeff talks about the difference between avoiding wrong-doing (not screwing up) versus having a desirable goal. The Willard words for avoiding wrong-doing are “sin management.” Sinning is only a symptom of a deeper problem. Jesus was always dealing with the deeper underlying reason for wrong action and calling us to do something, not just simply avoid doing something wrong. The nature of God, that is “the most joyous being in the universe” is enough to propel us forward. We can know that One! True change is possible with training. As Willard says, “If you want to keep the Ten Commandments or the teachings of Jesus, don’t try to keep them. Try to become the type of person who will keep them.” The practice of spiritual formation helps us to become exactly that.
- What images of God do you have that you sense might be hindering your spiritual growth?
- Do you often imagine God as the most joyous being in the universe? If you did this, how might this affect your prayer life?
- In what ways do you “train” to be the kind of person that would be able to keep the ten commandments? How is this different from “trying hard”?
03. Telling Our Stories
Susan Phillips
In this article, Susan Phillips talks about the power of storytelling and the need to listen to and tell each other our spiritual stories. Spiritual directors listen to stories as God-crafted, and they encourage the spiritual discipline of bringing our stories before God even when they are painful ones. Stories bring out emotion and emotion embeds memory in our bodies. Thus the first point about telling our stories is Memory. Shared cultural stories, and body